Burnout! Its real and it happens to many of us. Those with and without mental illness. It happens when we lease expect it. When everything is going perfect. Then that wall hits. Progress slows or halts all together. For some, burnout is a time when depression can hit and drag you down even further.

So why bring this up now? The Holidays! It’s a time that burnout can happen so often and can send even those who have been sable for months into a deep episode. At this time of year, we get in such a rush and we forget to slow down. We forget to take care of what is most important. Ourselves.

I recently got hit with burnout. When I hit burnout, I go rebel. I don’t do what I’m supposed to and do something opposite. But this time, my burnout even got my rebel. With this past weekend, my work got slammed and with taking a few days off. I am now several days behind. I pushed today to get things done. Taking needed breaks but it wasn’t enough. I hit burnout. I decided to let my inner rebel out and do some writing. The creative juices couldn’t flow because of the burn out. So, what did I do instead? I got a cup of tea and wrote this blog post. It made me slow down and think. I was pushing to much and not taking care of myself.

For me, it’s going too far and fast. Hitting my limit without realizing it. As I go into this holiday season with a crazy busy day job, prepping for my book release, and writing book 2. I am going to remember to slow down and take care of myself. If I don’t care for myself, how am I supposed to function? How can I be the mother I want to be?

Take away: This holiday season. Let us remember to SLOW DOWN! Remember what is important to us at this time of year. Remember your reason for the season in whatever way you celebrate. Be open and welcoming to how everyone celebrates.

Find ways to recharge. The best ways don’t cost any money or require you to go anywhere. Schedule that time if you must but find that time. Make it a promise to yourself. Not a goal! A promise!


Stand tall, Stand strong, and LIVE!
